The Twitter Epidemic: It’s Just Twitter…

The Twitter Epidemic: It’s Just Twitter…

A while ago, a young Harlem dude lost his life after a back and fourth argument via twitter turned real. Stemming from something that wouldn’t bother most people, something that could have easily been ignored or disregarded.

The problem with most people is that they dismiss everything to not be held accountable for anything. Twitter possesses one of the worlds most deadly weapons ever created. Way before guns, knives or even violence; words was and still is the most powerful tool we all possess to hurt others.

Your words may not penetrate everyone’s natural defenses, but some have a lower tolerance than others. Some people are set off from the most serious of things to most minor, consisting of topics varying from family to street creditability all the way to materialistic things, such as who has more money or who crew is better. You never know who is serious, who is easily pushed to that point or who is really “about that life,” so is it just twitter?

A high percentage of real life beefs are now started and is fueled by “just twitter.” The constant interaction with people you may dislike is too overwhelming for some. The ever-constant use of the word now made famously by twitter “subliminal” and indirect shots is not handled well by most people. With the urge to’ keep it real’ and not look like a sucker many spill they problems from a social site onto the streets.

Twitter is real. Most dismiss it as “just twitter” to justify the things they say. Depending on who you follow will give a different definition to “it’s just twitter” but for the small percentage of people who can’t differentiate the entertainment of twitter from the streets it ain’t just twitter. Real problems arise from twitter because it is wheeled by real people; some who can’t handle seeing their name tweeted with a derogatory statement after, it just simply boils their blood.

Be careful of what you say.

By K.E.L.L.s

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