Turbulence!!! Pt. 3 “I Love, You Love, We Love”

 Turbulence!!! Pt. 3 “I Love, You Love, We Love”

“…Let’s go and try again, careful this time, broken promises linger in our mind.”

-John Legend “I Love, You Love”

To break up is to make up; relationships are like a soda machine you can’t just tip it over with one push, you have to rock it a few times. The first break up, no matter how bad the words are and what is said, the words never stick, we try and try again until that feeling of disgust comes in. We must fake our self out until we believe that we are over the person. 

“Won’t give in so easily, hearts break so easily.”-John Legend “I Love, You Love”

To further prove to our self that we no longer love, we recruit our friends to join in on the “why did I love that person” campaign. Your friends and your love life do not mix; they will give you horrible advice, only for you to later realize that their situation ain’t shit so why did I listen to them?  We go back and fourth with love because we want it to work so bad that we make it not work, crazy right? We push so much while the other is pulling, working so hard for each other that we work against each other.

We love, we hate, we lust, we despise and we regret only to love again. Each time saying they we’ll take it slow, but how can you slow things down with someone you love? Love has no gas pedal or breaks; it goes at its own speed. We love love because it feels so good to have it; it’s only when that love leaves us with a “love hangover” that we wish we never had it.

Choose love wisely, you can’t hide from it.

By K.E.L.L.s

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