BATTLE OF THE SEXES VOL.5 (Perfect Imperfections)

BATTLE OF THE SEXES VOL.5 (Perfect Imperfections)

What is being perfect? Does it even exist? Can you put a face or voice to it? How can we define something so specific when we all have different views, tastes, lifestyles, sexualities, incomes, interest, wants, and beliefs? Are you perfect? Are you able to look at your significant other and say you are perfect?

Men & Women view perfection on different levels; looks, education, income and sometimes even religion all these things are different variations of what we define as perfection.

We would love to meet someone with every criteria checked off on our personal significant other checklist, but would your own view of perfection truly make you happy? The beauty of love is learning & growing.

What’s the purpose of falling if love was so perfect; the joy of love and perfection is falling. Love is hard; it is a work in progress.

Love is a strong commitment, it last a lifetime & can not be tainted nor faded, time does not substitute love, some stories aren’t epic novels, that doesn’t make them filled with love. Perfection weakens love; it isn’t until we get what we thought we wanted to realize what we had.”

The perfect thing about love is imperfections, those differences of qualities that we each possess, it makes getting to know a person worth it and it’s what makes us human, perfect imperfections.

Going in and out of relationships taints our view on what perfect really is! Does it not? No? Yes! Time most often substitutes for love, leading us to believe that our previous was better than our current. We get so accustomed to having things done this way that “this way” becomes the right way. With every relationship we need to unlearn those habits, if we became so use to how things were in our previous relationship does that make how it was right? And if so why didn’t we stay? Should we continue to hold onto those old ways of an ex-lover?

Loving someone is just that, loving them. When you love someone you love them for “them not for this and that, if we were able to pick and choose attributes of what we want our lover to possess would we love them the same? Is it not the way they are that made us fall for them, words are dangerous and it ruins relationships, so choose what you say wisely because you can make a ass out of yourself by assuming, but what other feelings are we to possess if we can’t assume?

By K.E.L.L.s

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