Change Goin’ Come! Stage 1 (The Get Involved Edition)

Change Goin’ Come! Stage 1 (The Get Involved Edition)

As We grow up in a system set up for us to fail we all were told the same thing “YOU CAN BE ANYTHING YOU WANT,” most Often told to us by an elderly white teacher just as a cute gem to drop to the kiddies and build hope, but on Tuesday November 4th, 2008 with the landslide victory of Barack Obama that saying now holds a new meaning, it creates more than hope and a cheerful chant of “yes we can,” it is as equally significant as that famous black and white video of a man rightfully named “KING” telling us about his dream.We now own a piece of history and when I say us I mean just that “US.” The power of not only the black race but minorities as a whole is truly amazing all it takes is one of us to “get” there and the floodgates are open, giving our people a sense of accomplishment and a “can-do” spirit.

November 4th has broken more historical silence than just electing the first black prez, we own history now, we came out in record numbers, young, old, rich and poor. We can truly now instill in our young generation that anything is possible…

Not saying every little ray-ray, lil’ roc, pookie and ‘dem can now become president but it now gives our young children a new dream of what “making” it is. When we were young success was defined as someone wit Tons of money and/or the illusion of it, usually a rapper or athlete. Our generation as well as the young now have someone who looks just as they do with the same color skin. We now have a new face of success in the least likely of places, yes I can, can now be followed by “yes I will.”

Politics rule the world; many never took interest in it, not out of ignorance but out of the cspan’s and cnn’s that would make any subject and/or topic sound boring as watching paint dry on a wall. Senator Obama changed the face of what success is as well as what being cool is. Cool, calm & collected at all times, never rising above his “inside” voice to get a point across, this is the role model we truly need.

Bobby Kennedy, in 1968, said in 40 years we will have a black president.” (Jewel Dropped). Being the first is spotlighting yourself with a sense of “super hero” pride and just as the plight of a super hero whom starts out human, still has human emotions and makes mistakes, it’s the cliché saying of “the gift and the curse.”

Senator Obama, soon President Obama, Can Not Fix our problems overnight, nor can he correct the wrongs of a failed government in one term. Our “Leaders” had an eight year head start on destroying the system. Yes we made history but for the next few years we need to keep this pro-Obama montage up and help a brother out. We can not afford to let ignorance take over this moment in history, many expect things to change instantly.

We “use” to ask for change, we got it and things still remained the same, what’s up wit’ that will become the moniker of many of our first time voters and coming directly from our race. Eighteen years ago David Dinkins became the first Afro-American to hold the office of mayor in NYC and just as obama his shadow was being “the first.” There is tremendous pressure; some people couldn’t organize their closet let alone the free world. So don’t expect one man to perform a magic trick and fix our problems instantly.

Obama WILL not fix the country over night, a mighty feat he won? YES, but he needs more than calendars hung and t-shirts worn to really reach a victory, many of us didn’t think our voice would be heard or vote would count but it was and it did.

We got the “change” now let’s make a change.

By K.E.L.L.s

They Didn’t Give Us 40 Acres &
A Mule so we’ll Take 50 States &
A White House! HOW COOOOL!

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