Turbulence!!! Pt. 4 “Hot Revolver”

 Turbulence!!! Pt. 4 “Hot Revolver”

“She Said Do You Have The Time? To listen to me Whine. She asking whose on the other line? You diss me every time.” -Lil’ Wayne “Hot Revolver”

Ever been admired so much, that the relationship could never work?

Or have you ever admired someone to a point of non-belief. It would be a nice feeling for someone to feel so strong for you that you could do no wrong, but is that what any of us really what? In some cases all of us are passive to some degree, but should we be blinded by love & infatuation so much that the other person feels crowded?

Do we actually wan to spend every free moment with a person? Relationships, both sexual and friendly are weird, we go into them pretending to have an understanding of what we want and expect only to change our own mind midway in the process.

When we aren’t interested in a person, we frown upon them for having so much “free time.” Usually a person loafing or lazing around is considered to be a loser. It’s only when we get with someone that the reason we most likely fell for them, we expect them to change. We can spend every minute together, but am I being productive to one day provide a better life for myself or better yet the both of us if we decide to take it there?

We all would love to be with someone of success, but most don’t want to travel that road with them to get it. No one wants to wake up at 30 and realize time wasted being love struck over a person with nothing to show for your young life. Love is wonderful, but why must love be complicated? Time and time again you hear people complaining about there “less” motivated mate, only to go get one with a lot on they plate to only complain about them having a lot on their plate?

When should love, work and being busy co-exist? Should we complain about a busy mate or should we ride with him/her into the sunrise?

By K.E.L.L.s

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Turbulence!!! Pt. 3 “I Love, You Love, We Love”

 Turbulence!!! Pt. 3 “I Love, You Love, We Love”

“…Let’s go and try again, careful this time, broken promises linger in our mind.”

-John Legend “I Love, You Love”

To break up is to make up; relationships are like a soda machine you can’t just tip it over with one push, you have to rock it a few times. The first break up, no matter how bad the words are and what is said, the words never stick, we try and try again until that feeling of disgust comes in. We must fake our self out until we believe that we are over the person. 

“Won’t give in so easily, hearts break so easily.”-John Legend “I Love, You Love”

To further prove to our self that we no longer love, we recruit our friends to join in on the “why did I love that person” campaign. Your friends and your love life do not mix; they will give you horrible advice, only for you to later realize that their situation ain’t shit so why did I listen to them?  We go back and fourth with love because we want it to work so bad that we make it not work, crazy right? We push so much while the other is pulling, working so hard for each other that we work against each other.

We love, we hate, we lust, we despise and we regret only to love again. Each time saying they we’ll take it slow, but how can you slow things down with someone you love? Love has no gas pedal or breaks; it goes at its own speed. We love love because it feels so good to have it; it’s only when that love leaves us with a “love hangover” that we wish we never had it.

Choose love wisely, you can’t hide from it.

By K.E.L.L.s

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Turbulence!!! Pt. 2 “808’s & Heartbreaks”

 Turbulence!!! Pt. 2 “808’s & Heartbreaks”

Say You Will

Welcome to Heartbreak





Side bar: This is NOT a critique of the album; I’m NOT campaigning to get you to like the album, just a way of connecting “real” life & “art” (music). Many of my blog series have to do with this album “the perils of success” can lead to “turbulence” questioning “dumb cupid.”

I can go on with every ‘series’ I have.

Take the message and not what is said. You do NOT need to be a fan of someone to agree with what they are saying.


Life sometime imitates art, the recent release of Kanye West’s album “808’s & Heartbreak” is the best example to date of this, and its not everyday does an Artist push the envelope of what is “accepted.” Not many can deny what this CLASSIC album has to offer, dealing with “the perils of success” that lead to “turbulence” of a love life, even the super producer Kanye West deals with the problems of not just love relationships, but everyday relationships as well. It’s not a guide or is it a way to get through heartbreak; it’s just simply a sigh of relief to know that someone else may be going through it, both male and/or female.

“Say You Will”

“I wish this song will really come true, I admit I still fantasize about you.”

-Kanye West

Love can sometime feel like a illness, being the reason for a continuous heartbeat throughout the song. Love can put you in the heartbreak ER. Heartbreak is a crushing feeling; the only way to truly get over it is to go on about your life, but what if that person was your life? We put our selves in romantic situation where we depend so much on the other, that we force our own problems and insecurities on them.

“Welcome to Heartbreak”

“My friend showed me pictures of his kids, and all I could show was pictures of my crib, he said his daughter got a brand new report card & all I got was a brand new sports car.”

-Kanye West

Most often success won’t let allow you love, you can have everything in the world but it means not a damn thing without love. Success can sometimes lead to loneliness, assumptions that your life is perfect and/or your out of my league forces many to stay “eternally single.”


We all go through those insecure relationships where it be you or your mate that just can’t shake the feeling of being paranoid, like there is something more going on than it is. We create imaginary problems and the shadow of “this is too good to be true” sets in. But something that is too good to be true is false; it may not be that the person is “perfect” they may just be the perfect person for you.


“Up late night like you on patrol, checking everything like I’m on parole.”

-Kanye West

Being paranoid can lead any insecure person to become a Robocop, which is defined as technology security guard. The email checker, the cell phone eagle, it’s a person that will not let that feeling of something’s wrong go. Most times it starts off light & easy, leading to more desperate measures. In relationships there are things that are built on trust then there are things that need to be trusted, never get involved until you’re ready to trust!


“I got the right to put up a fight, But not quite…And I might see you in my nightmare, but how did you get there, cuz we were once a fairy tale, but this is farewell.”

-Kanye West f/ Lil’ Wayne

Good relationships usually turn bad after insecurities & non-trust sets in, but it’s more of a feeling of “how did we get here?” Love is confusing, beautiful, feels good & hurts all in one emotion, it’s hard to get back to what it was once the love is lost & the honeymoon phase is OVER.

This album isn’t the first based on love & success, and the troubles that come with it, nor will it be the last, but not in a very long time have so many issues been gathered onto one piece of work. So are you ready to love? If so, then welcome to Heartbreak.

By K.E.L.L.s

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Turbulence!!! Pt. 1 “Love Is Stronger Than Pride”

 Turbulence!!! Pt. 1 “Love Is Stronger Than Pride”

 “I Can’t Hate You, Though I Have Tried…I Still REALLY, REALLY Love You, Love Is Stronger Than Pride.”

-Sade “Love Is Stronger Than Pride”

Of all the accomplishments and success that life has to offer, the hardest and easiest thing to conquer is love. The most complicated of every emotion, you want to turn your back on it, but can’t. We break up, make up, scream I’m DONE, rip up pictures, delete emails, text, numbers, block ’em from EVERYTHING just to lead back to do it one more ‘gain.

Those fortunate to be in love or to have been know just the feeling, love hurts and it’s not until you’ve been in love that you realize it’s a pain worth having. Everything is different when your in love, your food taste better, breathing is different, you have a better outlook on things, love can all together change every aspect of life for you, from the most major things like the future and finances to looking at a bird fly across the damn park.

Many things can be turned off but your heart and love is not one of them, it’s the strongest feeling in the world. Your pride can try to hide it but your heart will pull the rug right up from under your ass. Breaking up is harder than murder; you would rather go blind than see them with another person. Your pride will simply not let love win, but your pride can never be as strong as love. So how do we differ the two, can they co-exist? In some way, yes, but would you really love that person if they didn’t make you both happy and mad?

Chris Rock once said “you haven’t been in love until you get that I wanna kill you feeling,” the emotion is strong that offing them seems a lot more easier than dealing with the heartbreak. Grief usually sets in like a bad tooth, out of no where you’re seemingly “good” relationship has turned bad, with bad leading to worst! The turbulence of what was seemingly good makes any person look for a way out.

It is hard to love a person you know you can’t be with, its even worst when after you call it quits you realize that despite the fact of you guys not being able to work that you still want to be with that person. There are no guides to love and with millions of songs about love and heartbreak, why do we continue to search for love? No one can tell or give you advice on how to love. The only thing to do is to stay true to your hurt and hopefully your pride will play along.

By K.E.L.L.s

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When Being In Love Goes Wrong “Perfect Timing”

When Being In Love Goes Wrong “Perfect Timing”

At what point do you know or feel you’re in love? What are the signs? Is love a feeling, an action or an emotion? Depending on when asked this question in your life determines the answer, timing is everything & every question gets a different answer at different points in our life. Many people can’t handle or understand the concept of perfect timing or working with one another to make that time perfect. we continue to blame our losses of love on everything except the obvious. The problem with love is that people are always trying to figure it out, only to later figure out later that it can’t be figured out.

Love is one of the only emotion and/or feeling that can’t be controled, yet we all try to contain it.  Any other emotion is never, or hardly, ever questioned. When were happy no one tries to get unhappy we simply embrace it, sad we look for ways to get happy, yet love is always questioned? Rather than make it better for the two of you many challenge the existence of your love.

Why must everything be a question when the action is there? Irrelevant things become the number one priority when it comes to love. Never wake up with someone & question him or her about things that do not matter. Wasted brainpower & miscommunication is the reason love fails.

Love & the emotion of being in love is hard so why add to the difficulty of problems none of us need?

By K.E.L.L.s

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When Being In Love Goes Wrong “The Don’t Make Ya Next Ya Ex Edition”

When Being In Love Goes Wrong “The Don’t Make Ya Next Ya Ex Edition”

*Originally Written 11/2007

Some relationships are doomed from the start we become ex lovers before the love affair even starts! Built on a faulty foundation & understanding for one another is what dooms it. We all have those beginning stages talks & we presume an understanding of one another but what happens to those talks once their over? Most forget them, some don’t care & others usually play it up as just talk!

Take some looks at pics of your ex! What went wrong? 9 out of 10 times we don’t know! And even if we did now that we look back it doesn’t matter does it? Emotions mixed with miscommunication can lead to a deadly mixture designed for one purpose only & that purpose is to destroy whatever love the two of you have!

We set our love affair for failure by our own defaults. Stories about your past, comparisons to another, why? We all know what we want & how we want our mate to be but isn’t it alright for your heart to make those choices rather than your mind? If your mind “only” wants someone who has this n that your always going to find the wrong person because what if he/she has all your requirements but is a coke head vs. someone who lacks many things you want but is a hard worker & caring!

We ALL need to stop with the set up of failure! Love isn’t planned so stop thinking about it &  just love.

By K.E.L.L.s

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When Being In Love Goes Wrong “End Of The Road”

When Being In Love Goes Wrong “End Of The Road”

*Originally Written 11/2007

It all started so good didn’t it! When we first meet that person our emotions are so overwhelmed with “this is it, this is how love feels!” But over time what happens? Do we fall out of love with that person or do we get so comfortable that the allure of our self dissolves making the other person not wanna love us anymore?

Insecurities lead to vulnerability which leads to us questioning our love! Does she/he really love me? Am I doing all I can to keep him/her? When ultimately we should be focusing on just being in love! Love isn’t questions; it isn’t doubt nor is it a feeling! Love for a person cannot be explained, weighed or measured!

When love goes wrong we feel like we’ve failed! The feeling of the person I’ve worked hard to become (whether bad or good) is not what anyone else wants? Fortunately love is stronger than pride & we can’t force, fool or trick our self into loving anyone else but who our heart really desires! We all know what & who we want but we can’t always get what we want! Once the love is questioned it becomes harder & harder to show that love!

No one ever wants to break up, we do so in hopes that the other person will see that we don’t leave! But love is a two way street & if two people are chasing each other neither one will ever catch the other nor do we want it to be a one sided love affair! Love is confusing, no one can explain it, no one can show you how to love, we just take it as it comes & handle it the best way we can.

When love has reached the end of the road with that person we can chose to merge onto another “love” highway or go our separate ways & look for another road to take!

Choose What Your Heart Feels.

By K.E.L.L.s

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When Being In Love Goes Wrong “Bittersweet Poetry”

 When Being In Love Goes Wrong “Bittersweet Poetry”

*Originally Written 11/2007

“…You Goin’ Be The Death Of Me, I Don’t Want You But I Need You! I Love You & Hate You At The Very Same Time.”  -Kanye West f/ John Mayer “Bittersweet Poetry”

You hate her don’t you? You can’t stand the sight of his face right? She makes you sick! He makes you regretful! But you’re in love? How do we love & hate at the same time? Do we really hate our mate or do we hate the power of love & how it makes us seem vulnerable. The fact that another person has control over our emotions is a lot to deal with. So we fight our own self saying we hate them when our heart says we love them. When love goes wrong it’s a lot to deal with or understand!

The same person who drives us crazy is most often the same person who keeps us sane. Human emotion is our own enemy, we not only dig our own hole but we pick the grave site, tombstone & coffin! Hating someone is so much easier than loving them! Love all together is a bittersweet emotion; too many questions race your brain when your heart is on the line.

We fight the feeling of giving our self to another so much that we develop a hate for them. Something & Someone we want so much can hurt so bad! Pain is pleasure & love can be forever if we let it.

By K.E.L.L.s

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Love & Life (The Prequel: Prototype)

Love & Life (The Prequel)*Originally Written November 2007

“I Hope That Ur The One…If Not U R The Protype” -Andre 3000 “Prototype

Do we love who were with? Or do we love the person we are, when were with them? With love comes a new you, whether bad or good it’s still a new you! The beauty of love is to find someone that makes you better; we all hope were with that person & dream about our future together! Previous to our current love we had a previous lover that we hoped the same thing & dreamed the same future with, so does love have a face or is it just that feeling?

We all love to be in love but what makes any of us truly believe were with the right person? Nothing is guaranteed but the feeling that person gives you is the prototype to how you always wanna feel. The silliest question you could ever ask someone is “do you still love your ex?” Why wouldn’t we? At some point we loved them so does that feeling go away or fade? Even after the hate lingers off for your ex, don’t you still love them? If not were you ever in love?

The prototype to being happy is just that, HAPPY! Doesn’t matter about your past but only what’s in store for the future! Fill your brain with pity nonsense & that what’s always going to make sense to you ‘pity nonsense’. To be happy you must first, be happy, we can’t change the past by giving it 2nd thoughts! We can’t even change it by giving it a 100th thought, it’s the past because it’s in the past, now let’s be happy in the present to set up for the future!

Many people just can’t allow themselves to be happy, the simple thought of “nothings wrong” is just too wrong to them, nothing is ever perfect but sometimes the imperfect BS beats the perfect lies (Food For Thought)

By K.E.L.L.s

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Love & Life Pt. 8 (Finding Love in Life)

Love & Life Pt. 8 (Finding Love in Life)
I think I found it, that smile, the smell, joking, laughing ready to start a future in hopes she/he feels the same, we ALL Love Love! We a;; say these things to our self hoping were right. When you find it, it’s almost a “too good to be true” feeling! How can she make me feel like this!? You find yourself planning your future & things you have to accomplish for the better of your love with them. Weird isn’t it? In a society adapted to be anti-love that you find your heartbeat?

The funniest & strangest thing about love is the continuing feeling of falling for the person, sure we argue get made, fuck it up, hate, despise at times, but isn’t that love? It has to be! No one likes an easy equation but we all hate hard problems, the battle within our self to curve love or to convince our own mind we don’t need nor want that person is what keeps us in love. Real true love can endure anything but we have so much to endure! Our own intuitions are our own worst enemies, rather than figure love out just love, don’t worry it won’t bite! Maybe hurt at times but it’s worth it! It has to be!

Love Is A Drug! It’s A Anti-depressant, upper, downer, simulating all at once! Get Addicted!

By K.E.L.L.s

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